Enrich your data
with our API-enabled data solution

Leverage the power of machine learning and algorithms. Safty Data combines the right data in the right way, unlocking transformative insights into customer needs.

Codan logoSoenderjysk forsikring logoLunar Bank logo

Our customers

Data accuracy
Better customer satisfaction
Improved segmentation
"At Lunar, we are happy with our latest business endeavor with Safty, a Danish startup specializing in innovative software solutions. We believe it is important to support Danish innovation and collaborate with local startups like Safty, which bring innovation and technology to the financial sector. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Safty and leveraging their expertise and innovative approach to provide value for our customers."
Casper from Lunar
Casper Orloff
Data & Analytics Director
Black Lunar Bank Logo
10% less churn
Better customer satisfaction
Improved segmentation
"I would like to express my complete satisfaction with the collaboration with the company Safty and their Full Stack developer, Magnus. Their passion for the project and ability to execute has been impressive and it has been a pleasure to see them bring our ideas to life. Thanks to their efforts, we have achieved our goals and more. I would highly recommend them to any company looking for excellence and commitment.”
Morten from Codan
Morten Riis Lausen -
Product owner for sales tools & partner portals
Codan Insurance Logo

Get access to our feature store based on millions of data points


Data variables

Access a comprehensive array of data with our data solution, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple registers for cross-referencing.



Expand your insights by accessing information on all households, including those not currently part of your customer base, through our platform.



Discover and track companies effortlessly, monitoring their performance seamlessly through our platform.



Instantly retrieve detailed property information and its connections to individuals or households.



Find information about persons, their owner ship and relations to companies. All in one API-call.


Public registers
Vurderingstyrelsen LogoGeodatastyrelsen LogoVirk LogoStyrelsen for Dataforsyning og Effektivisering LogoBBR LogoDAR Logo

Dive deep into relevant insights about your target audience

All in one data platform

Safty data encompasses a variety of valuable insights, ranging from trends within your customer portfolio to life events, enabling proactive customer engagement and specific object look-ups

Transformative data insights

Data insights empower your business to present customers with relevant offers at the exact moment their needs change. Safty Data offers advice on concrete upsell possibilities tailored to the individual customer

Cool features

Enhanced Customer Profiling

By leveraging our data API, you gain comprehensive insights into your customers, enabling you to understand their preferences, behaviors, and needs better than ever before.

Personalized Customer Experiences

Our data API empowers you to tailor your offerings and communications to individual customers based on their unique profiles, fostering stronger engagement and loyalty.

Predictive Analytics

With access to enriched customer information through our data API, you can utilize advanced analytics and predictive modeling to anticipate customer trends and behaviors, enabling proactive decision-making and strategic planning.

Optimized Portfolio Management

Elevate your portfolio segmentation strategies to new heights by utilizing our data API to identify and target high-value customer segments with precision, maximizing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and driving revenue growth.

Our customers

Soenderjysk Insurance LogoLunar Bank Logo